My Recent Trip To Korea - Wednesday, December 21, 2022 at 02:46 UTC

It was November when I found myself in the bustling city of Seoul. My trip started off with a visit to Gyeongbokgung palace, a stunningly beautiful and historic landmark. The palace was surrounded by lush gardens, and the architecture was truly breathtaking.

Next, I made my way to Jogyesa, the headquarters of the Jogye order and a temple known for its peaceful atmosphere. As I walked around the grounds, I couldn't help but notice the white pine tree, a symbol of longevity and eternal youth. I also marveled at the three large buddhas located within the temple, each one representing a different aspect of the Buddha's teachings. It was a truly serene and calming experience to spend some time at Jogyesa, taking in the sights and sounds of the temple.

After visiting Jogyesa, I headed to Gwangjang market, a bustling and lively place filled with stalls selling all kinds of food and goods. Just like Anthony Bourdain, I couldn't resist trying some of the local street food, including live octopus. Despite being a bit nervous at first, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it tasted fresh and not at all fishy. It was definitely an interesting and memorable experience. Just be sure to chew it thoroughly! In addition to the octopus, there were so many other delicious treats to try at the market. It was a fun and tasty way to spend an afternoon.

From there, I made my way to Bongeunsa, a temple located in the bustling Gangnam district of Seoul. As I walked around the grounds, I was struck by the intricate carvings and impressive architecture of the temple. One of the most notable features of Bongeunsa was the giant statue of Maitreya, the future Buddha, which stood tall and proud within the temple. It was a peaceful place to rest and reflect for a while, surrounded by the beauty of the temple and the hustle and bustle of the city just outside its gates.

Finally, I ended my trip with a visit to Doseonsa, a stunningly beautiful temple set on the side of a mountain. The views from there were absolutely breathtaking, and I spent some time taking in the beauty of the surrounding landscape. One of the highlights of my visit was seeing the giant stone buddha carved into the side of the mountain. It was truly an impressive sight to behold. I also had the opportunity to have lunch with the monks at the temple, which was a truly memorable experience. It was a peaceful and serene way to end my trip to Seoul.

All in all, my trip to Seoul was an incredible experience. I was able to visit so many beautiful and historic landmarks, and I will always remember the sights and sounds of the city.

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